Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Case Analysis Essay Example for Free

Case Analysis Essay This case focuses on how Toyota as a vehicle manufacturer is looking to get more people to migrate from gas powered vehicles to environment friendly hybrid car variety. The case looks at the automobile market and specifically the hybrid and fuel cell category market in great detail. The automobile industry in general is highly dependent on government regulations and legislatures. There were a lot of pro hybrid and pro Fuel cell legislations that were passed by the California State government which the experts felt that was a matter of time before it would be adopted by other states and would soon become Federal Law. The general trend amidst American customers has been to move from larger cars of American manufacturers to the smaller and better fuel efficiency Japanese cars. It has also been noted that with time the acceptability of hybrid vehicles has been increasing and some states like California are adopting it more easily than others like Memphis. Technologically, whilst Fuel Cells were the cleanest form of vehicle power available, studies had proved that the total impact of extracting hydrogen and then using it in a cell was even greater than a gas powered vehicle. Also, experts felt that it will be 10-20 more years before the fuel cell technology is strong enough. Toyota had invested and committed to developing capacity for the hybrid vehicles while its competition had only looked at hybrids as a temporary fix and were lobbying against certain laws. If imposed, these laws would result in a much higher demand of hybrids. The new hybrid technologies put in place by Toyota also ensured the same driving experience as with other American muscles cars. Problem Definition : The Problem in front of Toyota was simple. Although the Prius had done reasonably well , it was still largely a niche product. Toyota now wanted to move from that stage into mainstream acceptance. It wanted to move up the bell curve into the growth phase of its PLC. Most of the Prius buyers were â€Å"Innovators and Early Adopters – people who had the understanding of technological products and those belonging to urban and semiurban areas. As a company Toyota now had to take Prius and make it more acceptable to the late adaptors and induce people to buy hybrids. Alternatives : The advertising and marketing campaigns of Prius have always revolved around its technical superiority over all other gas powered vehicles while still maintaining the basic performance attributes. However at this stage of the PLC, Prius has to communicate and connect to new customers at an emotional level. Since Late adopters and laggards usually tend to have a delegatory buying behavior, they often tend to make decisions based less on technical aspects of the product. Thus the marketing campaign should focus on portraying the act of being caring about the planet a desirable trait in people. It should also depict the ownership of Prius as a point of Pride – as a medallion of one’s contribution to the planet’s wellbeing. To overcome geographical and demographic biases, the ads should depict different kinds of people, men and women from different states, professions and backgrounds displaying their pride at owning a Prius. Owning a Hybrid should be portrayed as a patriotic duty of every car owner in order to protect the environment and thereby the future of the nation. The more interior states of Memphis and others could use some American Celebs who the people identifies with become brand ambassadors for promoting Hybrid technology. The other possible method could be to focus the attention of the customer to the overall benefit of shifting to a Hybrid both in financial terms and otherwise. The advantage of using such a strategy will be that the differences will be highly tangible and therefore very easy to communicate. At the same time, it will continue to focus on technicalities alone and may be continue to appeal to the technical bent of innovators and early adopters only, in which case it will be difficult to graduate to the next phase of the PLC. Also, we need to understand that the American consumer is not very much price sensitive when it comes to cars, and therefore might not respond to the financial benefit appeal. Recommended Alternatives: The more sensible foot forward would be to primarily work on consumer’s acceptance of the product at a psychological level. This can be achieved if the product can establish an emotional connect with the consumers and then move ahead from there. Thus Toyota has to work on making Prius a preferred brand my making it more American and a more responsible choice. Implementation plans : ? ? ? ? Shift from a technical attribute focus to a more emotional focus Work on advertising campaigns along different media channels to project Prius as the obvious least that one could do to keep the planet clean. Reach out to the semi urban and rural consumer by focusing on how a hybrid makes sense for consumers of different ages, class and category. Make the brand more acceptable to them by using local celebs and building confidence and identity with the brand product.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Economic, Medical and Industrial Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana E

The Economic, Medical and Industrial Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is the dried flower clusters and leaves of the hemp plant when taken to induce euphoria. Marijuana has been in existence for centuries even Magellan spoke of it during his trip to India. In his log he spoke of a plant that you smoked that made a man drunk without drinking. Marijuana would be beneficial if legalized because it would bring in extra money, it has medical uses, hemp is one of the best materials in the world and on average it is healthier for you then beer or liquor. The old cash crop of the Americas was tobacco in today's world it is marijuana. More marijuana is transported into and out of this country at a higher rate then tobacco. As of last year there were 1,147,591 of seized marijuana by the United States Coast Guard. If the average price of a pound of marijuana were only fifteen hundred dollars that would put the price at 1,721,386,500 when the GNP (Gross National Product) for year two thousand is projected at 17 billion. If marijuana were actually a taxed good at the normal rate of five percent that would put the price up to 1,807,455,825 it would take the price up a total of one hundred million dollars. Not only would the legalization bring in more then nine percent of the GNP. It would take the amount of drug dealing and money laundering due to dealing down. With this decrease in crime the money spent on police could be put to better use. The police could spend more time in trying to solve crimes such as murders or theft. Though in another area there would have to be a specific police unit to deal with these new stores. The insurance rate would also be astronomically high due to break-ins and the cost of the merchandise ... is just the sale of smoked marijuana. The sale of hemp wasn't calculated into it that it would just bring up the tax money and possibly take its percentage of GDP up to fifteen or at the most eighteen percent. Medicinal uses of it outweigh by far the supposed cancers it produces. If given the chance marijuana could be the next penicillin a miracle drug curing sicknesses never thought to be curable. Marijuana the so-called gateway drug the highly addictive drug, this was all a lie. Its been shown that marijuana is not even as addictive as caffeine or chocolate. Cigarettes cause twice as many cancers as marijuana and marijuana's non-smoked form causes no cancers while chew cigarettes non-smoking form causes several oral cancers. If these reasons are enough for you to reconsider your view on marijuana laws please visit and see what the truth is.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Fox and Coyote and Whale

Native American traditional stories, folktales, are stories passed down from generation to generation by story telling and performance. Native Americans emphasized the importance of living in harmony with the naturual world. They had complex religious beliefs, sophisticated poltical systems, and strong morals. Some of the stories are creation myths, tales of heroes, and tricksters. Trickster tales are stories that have animals or human characters who engage in deceit, violence, or magic. Often trickster tales are said to explain why the world is the way it is.â€Å"Coyote and the Buffalo† and â€Å"Fox and Coyote and Whale† are two trickster tales, retold by Mourning Dove, explaining how Coyote's action created changes in the world. In theses two trickster tales, Coyote, the main character shares some similarities in morals, character, and transformation . Yet there exsists differences in how these traits are presented. One similarity between these two trickster tales i s that they both have purposes to teach morals. The moral teaching in â€Å"Coyote and the Buffalo† is to not be greedy.An example would be when Coyote killed the cow for more food because he was tired of eating only the fat. As a result he gets the remains of the cow stolen and is left with nothing. In â€Å"Fox and Coyote and Whale†, one of the morals is not to steal someone's wife.Whale steals Fox's wife and takes her to his lodge which leads Coyote and Fox's wife. Whale ends up getting his head chopped off and thrown into the ocean. They both teach morals, just in different ways. One difference that these two trickster tale have is Coyote's character trait. For example, in â€Å"Coyote and the Buffalo†, Coyote is portrayed as numbskull.Actions like kicking the Buffalo Bull's skull out of revenge, killing the cow Buffalo Bull gave him thinking Buffalo Bull will never know, and trusting a stranger with the little food he had left to take a nap, all make Coyote a numbskull. In â€Å"Fox and Coyote and Whale†, Coyote is smart and thoughtful.When Coyote helps Fox outsmart the water maidens, into telling them where Fox's wife was located, they go on a journey to recapture Fox's wife from Whale. Even tho Coyote in one tale contrasts Coyote's character from the other they both did well people. Coyote from â€Å"Coyote and the Buffalo†, got out of dieing by offering Buffalo Bull new horns.Buffalo accepted, so it was a win-win situaton for Coyote. In the other tale, Coyote helped find Coyote's wife by decieving the water maidens, and getting information before killing them. This helped regain Fox's wife's love.The coyote in these tales had diiferent mentalities from one another, one being an idiot and one being smart. Another similarity that theses tales have is that they both explain why the world is how it is. For example, in â€Å"Coyote and the Buffalo†, when Coyote gives Buffalo Bull new horns, they become the horns tha t all buffalos would have from that point on.Also, when Coyote kills the cow that was given to him by Buffalo as food he decides to go back to Buffalo to ask for another one but the cow that Coyote killed returned from the dead and refused to go with coyote again and Buffalo denies him another one.This explains why there are no buffalo in the Kettle Falls on the Columbia Rive, all because of Coyote. In â€Å"Fox and Coyote and Whale†, Fox and Coyote go after Fox's wife who was taken by Whale. After Fox and Coyote rescue her, Fox's cuts off Whale's head and tosses it into the ocean.This is why there are no whales in the rivers, and Whale could no longer make love to the wives of other men. This trickster tale also explains why Land people and Water people don't like each other. Coyote plays a role in how everything changed and how everything transformed.From reading both trickster tales, I learned that by decieving people you can get things out of them. These tales defenitely taught many moral, such as respect the dead, don't take what you have for grante, the importance of familiy and fidelity, ect. It gave a background on how the world transformed.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Dementia With Lewy Bodies ( Dlb ) - 1473 Words

Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is a type of dementia that shares symptoms with both Alzheimer s disease and Parkinson s disease. It may account for around 10 per cent of all cases of dementia (Alzheimer’s Society, 2016). Lewy refers to the inflammation or neuro-inflammation of the brain (Surendranathan et al, 2015). Both Parkinson s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies are age-related diseases, although onset before age 65 years is not uncommon and both diseases are more common in men than in women (Walker et al, 2015). Lewy body was named after the scientist who discovered them, and found that it is made of a protein called alpha-synuclein (Brooker and Lillyman, 2013). When this protein builds up, it keeps the brain from making the†¦show more content†¦DLB shares mental symptoms, such as confusion and loss of memory, with Alzheimer s disease and gait and slow movement, like with Parkinson s disease. For that reason it is often misdiagnosed. Accurate diagnosis is paramount for successful treatment, although this must be done with caution as people with LBD are characteristically highly sensitive to certain drugs which can worsen unpleasant symptoms or even be fatal (Lewy Body Society, 2015). The point-prevalence of dementia is roughly 25% in patients with Parkinson s disease.6 The risk of dementia increases with duration of disease and reaches 50% 10 years after diagnosis.7 Most patients who survive for more than 10 years will develop dementia.8 The incidence of dementia is roughly 100 per 1000 person-years; however, it is much lower during the first years after diagnosis.9,10 Increasing age is a risk factor for the development of dementia in patient s with Parkinson s disease, and thus the time to dementia decreases with increasing age at onset of Parkinson s disease.11 There are fewer prevalence and incidence data for dementia with Lewy bodies.